Pets & Wildlife

Photo by MCM Photography

Photo by MCM Photography


Lost & Found Pets:

Please see take advantage of Lago Mar Nextdoor.  The site is unaffiliated with LMCL but can be a useful site for finding our beloved pets

You may also wish to check with Virginia Beach Animal Control or file found/missing report

with the Virginia Beach SPCA.

Containing Dogs & Cats

“No animal is permitted to run at large within the City. This includes both dogs and cats.”   Sec. 5-530

Pets in VB -  learn about Required Pet licensing, dog friendly parks and beach safety, and more!

Photo by MCM Photography

Photo by MCM Photography





Poop Pollutes …. but it doesn’t have to.  

Please Scoop the Poop

do your part to keep our streets, yards, and trails clean.



Residents concerned about hawks in our area should visit the State of Virginia’s Department of

Game & Inland Fisheries. Hawks are raptors and the concern is that they may cause harm to our

smaller pets. Additional info and links can be found through the Virginia Beach City website.


Deer in an Urban Area

(from Dept. of Game & Inland Fisheries)

Deer are generally considered a nuisance when they are eating gardens or expensive landscaping

plants. The best way to solve this problem is to plant things deer don’t like to eat. This usually

includes plants like juniper, hawthorne, or other prickly/thorny plants. The next best way to prevent

them is to exclude them from coming at all.

  • Build a 5-8 foot fence around your garden. This is the single best method.
  • Have a dog roam your yard. Deer will usually not visit properties with dogs.
  • Loud noises or hazing sometimes works, but they can become accustomed to these activities.

      After trying these, you can also attempt to use chemicals which taste bad or smell bad (to the deer

anyway).  There are a variety of products that can be used to make the plants unpalatable. Most of these

have a pepper or sulfur-base. You can make your own out of cayenne pepper, rotten eggs, or

moth balls. Some of the commercially available products are supposed to last through a couple

of rain events, but most will wash off with the first rain.

     Products to scare the deer away generally contain coyote urine, sulfur, or human scents. You

can try to make your own with human hair, soap, or perfume/cologne. There are also fertilizers

that are made from bio-solids that have shown some success, but they have a very bad odor,

even to humans.

Injured Deer

(from Dept. of Game & Inland Fisheries)

White-tailed deer fawns are born April through July, with the majority of births in June. Most does

will have one fawn each year, but occasionally twins or triplets are seen. From birth the fawns are

left alone while their mothers go off to feed. The mothers will stay away from the fawns to avoid

leading predators to their location. They will return at dusk and dawn to move and/or feed their


If you find a deer fawn:

  • Is the fawn injured (bleeding, broken bones, wounds, caught on a fence, etc.)?

If YES, contact your nearest wildlife veterinarian or rehabilitator for treatment.

If NO, it is normal for fawns of any age to be left alone all day. Never expect to see the

mother come back to the fawn while you are in the area. The mother will return to care

for it if you leave it alone. You can check back in 24-48 hours. The mother should have

moved the fawn. Never chase a fawn to capture it. Exception: if the mother is known to

be dead (you have seen the fawn near the body and know it to be the mother), contact a

state licensed deer rehabilitator in your area. Orphaned fawns will need to be cared for

until they are old enough to be released in early Fall.


Note: Each animal’s nutritional, housing and handling requirements are very specific and must be

met if they have any chance of survival. Raising a wild animal in captivity is illegal unless you have

a state permit. For information on how you can become a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, contact The

Wildlife Center of Virginia or the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.

The information in this article was provided by THE WILDLIFE CENTER OF VIRGINIA,

P.O. BOX 1557, WAYNESBORO, VIRGINIA 22980. Phone 540-942-WILD; FAX 540-

943-WILD; Web site: E-mail address:

VA BEACH Animal control does not provide wildlife removal service but may remove injured or

sick animals for the safety of residents. For more information explore the Virginia Department of

Game and Inland Fisheries .