Here are the rules from the City. Below is a clickable Link that you can print and sign with your neighbors and return to the Civic League. These signatures will be validated by the city with public records, the magic number of Signatures required is 226.
Everyone must read the regulations regarding “The Operation of Golf Carts on a City Roadway” before they sign. As such, if the pages of the petition are sent separately, the rules need to be included with each page of the petition.
75% of the affected property owners must sign for implementation. 302 Homes = 226 Minimum
And particular to ALL Lago Mar, golf carts (N/A for LSV's) will not be allowed on Nimmo Pkwy between Albuquerque Dr and Camino Real South as the volume of traffic exceeds 1,000 VPD and we do not allow golf carts on roadways that exceed that volume. And we also want to point out that golf carts are not allowed on the multi-use trail.
If you have any questions please email the Treasurer @