Event Updates - More to Come
Event Updates - More to Come 〰️
Sunday, Oct. 30 2022
1st Annual Abby Furco Memorial Color Fun Run
Our residents inspire us everyday
Runners & more than 140 volunteers put on their white shirts and lined the streets of Lago Mar to participate in the first annual Abby Furco Memorial Color Fun Run.
Abby was a student at Kellam High School who passed away at the age of 15 after a long battle with childhood cancer and its effects.
The event was entirely community funded, which means that all collected money went to fighting for kids like Abby. All the proceeds from the race went directly to St. Baldrick’s Foundation, which raises money for childhood cancer research in hopes of finding a cure. The color run has raised more than $10,000, and the donations continue to climb.
Annual Patriotic Parade
Everyone is invited!
July 4th - we are celebrating throughout the neighborhood a little differently in 2020.
For as long as we can remember, this old fashioned Independence Day event has been part of Lago Mar residents' summer fun! Often lead by a firetruck, and always filled with our neighbors’ best dressed bikes, dogs, golf carts, wagons, and more, it's a great way to toast the Red White and Blue. But, to keep everyone safe, July 4, 2020 will be celebrated by honoring the “best decorated patriotic house”.
The judging will begin at 1200 Saturday July 4th. A second round of judging will take place after sunset.
The top three houses will be featured in the LagoMar Living Magazine and the winner will receive $200. Winner must be a member of LagoMar Civic League.
Click here for Parade Route - we plan to be back on this track in 2021.
LMCL Members are invited to stay for the Picnic - info below.
Membership Drive & Picnic
Members of Lago Mar Civic League
July 4th - Cancelled in 2020 due to Covid-19 - please see information about our “Most Patriotically decorated House” contest.
If you are a renewal member, just joined, or are a resident of Lago Mar who will be joining the civic league at the picnic by all means, please join us! Just bring a chair or blanket, your membership dues, and lots of Red, White, and Blue! Meet your neighbors and share in the fun with games, music, and more!
Picnic is for current LMCL Membership - Click to Join LMCL or for Picnic Info.
Oktoberfest Membership Picnic
Members of Lago Mar Civic League
October 19, 2019 - 12-4PM No Raindate
Our fall feast and festival for the whole family with games, food, & entertainment for all ages.
Located in the big park at Artesia Way and Casa Verde Way.
Current members Free (you may pay membership dues at the event if you’ve not yet paid for 2019-2020). Membership form is online - click here.
Civic League member’s guests pay $5.00.
Cornhole '19 Tournament will begin @ 2 p.m.
Not a member yet? Join here and either mail in check at least 10 days prior or bring payment to Oktoberfest.
Santa Visits Lago Mar
2020 - December 12th - 3 pM
December is fun, and when Santa shows up the magic is awesome! Santa will be following physical distancing guidelines to keep everyone safe. Please wave to him along his route as he drives through the neighborhood beginning at 3PM. See “News” post for a map of the route he plans to take.
Frosty In The Park
Weather Alert: If the weather is unfavorable, or if other situations present a need for a change in plans, we will update our News posts ASAP. Please check site before heading out.
When: Friday, December 4, 2020 5-7 PM
Where: Lago Mar North Park (the one with the duck pond)
What to expect: enjoy hot chocolate and cookies, as we get into the holiday spirit! Frosty will be there, too!
Bring an unwrapped new toy (or two) to donate. Show the world why LagoMar is the GREATEST neighborhood in Virginia Beach to live. #lagomarliving #toysfortots #toysfortotsvb #lagomargivesback #frostyinthepark
Thank you, LagoMar Neighbors, for supporting the amazing LagoMar tradition of supporting those in need during the holidays.
Cruise the Canals
Let's start a new tradition! Residents along the waterways are encouraged to add simple decorations in their back yards for boaters to enjoy. Boaters can decorate their craft, too, for homeowners to enjoy.
If this idea is popular, perhaps someday we can set a date for cruising the canal and celebrating the holidays on the water.
Yard Sale
2020 June 2oth
Lago Mar Civic League runs the ads and puts signs at our entrances; neighbors put signs up at their street/home, and some even set up lemonade & snack stands. This is a great opportunity to clear the attic, clean the closets, and find treasures of your own. Prepare for an active neighborhood -- get on your bikes and visit your neighbors!
To supplement signs we put at the entrances, residents may choose to put additional signs up to further direct customers to you. Keep Lago Mar Clean: If you put “Yard Sale” or “Garage Sale” signs with arrows mounted on street sign posts please remove them immediately upon closing up.
Community Projects
residents get it done
Over the years, when residents or the Board notice areas of need, a call out will happen to gather a team and tackle a project. We've added new playground equipment, painted & repaired our entrances, rejuvenated the landscapes, and more. Contact a Board Member to head up or join a project.